Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone in your life can be a rewarding challenge.  Rather you struggle with this personally or with your business, stepping into new territory involves risk. It is the reward that drives us, it is the risk that holds us back.  How can we determine what actually makes us uncomfortable and then apply the risk vs. reward ideology to derive a path to pursue?

Get Uncomfortable - Find out what makes you comfortable.  This is usually pretty easy because it is the things you do most often; the same tired old routine or using the same methods that you insist will one day bring you different results.  Not a chance! Break away from the norm. To take smart risks, you need to get comfortable with being a little uncomfortable. When you know how to handle discomfort, you’ll be better equipped to evaluate risky choices and less likely to resist innovation.

Put Your Game Face On - Construct a game relative to your personal life or business.  Have everyone involved draw a card with a task that requires them to brainstorm and come up with an idea fast, stick to it, and build on it independently or with team members. This forces you to to think on your feet and to be open to novel ideas.  The game does not allow you to reject the idea outright, but rather to accept it and grow it.  This excercise is very helpful among peers who are usually more hesitant to offer up an idea because of fear of rejection.  During this game, outlandish ideas are welcome and you must shape it into a brilliant idea instead of shutting it down. With practice, you and your peers will sharpen a skill that boosts confidence, pulls you out of your comfort zone and proves that the reward is often worth the risk.

Wear Another's Shoes - Trading places with a co-worker or family member for just one day can give you great perspective. You will not only learn what that person does to accomplish their tasks and become more appreciative, but you can learn to work more efficiently together. Use this method to spur new ideas and encourage collaboration by showing you are willing to break the mold.

Take a Beating - Open up the floor to be evaluated and by others. There is always room for improvement right?  You are no exception.  Put down the shield and invite constructive criticism from your peers.  Ask for honesty, keep and open mind, and do not mull over every little detail. Instead, look at the bigger picture and recognize areas that you can make better.

When it's all said and done, take the time to reflect and see how the risk of putting yourself on the spot benefitted you, your peers and/or your business. Reaping the reward is one sure way to ensure that you continue to step outside your comfort zone.

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